Carrefour Express in Pilar de la Horadada fires CNT union delegate

CNT’s Oficios Varios union in Pilar de la Horadada is bringing charges against Carrefour for firing Indira Martínez, the CNT union delegate in the company.

CNT alleges that this layoff forms part of a strategy to harass and bring down the members of our Union Section at Carrefour.

We are resolved to make sure that Carrefour is found guilty in a court of law for violating the rights of its workers, including lheir honorable right to freely unionize and that they give Indira her old job back.

The alleged reasons for her being fired are completely unfounded and excessive, regardless of the fact that they are all false and could not be found to be more than slight negligence. The company clearly wants to get rid of a determined and combative woman. It’s suspicious that just when the company was about to undergo a labor bureau inspection, as part of charges brought against them by CNT, they start to fabricate «evidence» against our comrade, one who in her four years at the company has never had a disciplinary measure taken against her.

We at CNT urge you to denounce this blackmail, this mafioso behavior, that throws each and every labor and union right that the law gives us out the window to benefit a company which is showing its true face, one without a shred of scruples. We call for a boycott of this company and urge its customers to demand that our comrade Indira be given her job back






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