Enough Deportations! Communique of SOV Jaén

«Indifference is the same thing as a crime»
– Marek Edelmann, a leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

The CNT from Jaén strongly condemns the horrific mass deportations
carried out against the Roma in France. We denounce the intolerance of
the neofascist government of Nicolas Sarkozy. We believe that
these deportations violate the fundamental rights of a group whose
members are European citizens with full rights. The mass deportation of
members of the Roma population is an act which denigrates us all,
without exception, whether we are French or not.

We find it
alarming that in a country lke France, which was the victim of nazism,
for many years and has seen in the flesh what racial crimes mean
(including mass deportations), is perpetrating this outrage. We believe
that these acts are based in an institutional policy of stigmatizing the
Roma people.

It seems that for
the neofascist French government, all are guilty, they are all
criminals, and all, without exception, deserve to be deported. Their
lives are destroyed and they are thrown out of the country because they
belong to a certain people. Everyone is made to pay equally, entire
families, regardless if children and the elderly will see even further
decline in their living conditions.

drives the French Ministry of Internal Affairs are institutionally
racist principles. It is a disgrace. It inexcusably identifies the gypsy
people with theft, crime and drugs… They are accused of being
anti-social… Everyone, without distinction. But why aren’t the caste
of bankers, speculations and other scum which have lead to the ruin of
half the world with their shady schemes accused of the same and why are
they left peacefully at home? Is it that not everybody is equal? We
don’t they deport this class of scoundrels? Is it because they are not
criminals, thieves and don’t deal drugs? Is it that these the enemies of
the people are not anti-social? Of course they are.


In order to combat organized crime, the first thing that has to be done is to get our hands on this bunch of thieves.
The war against the poor is getting worse and it is the duty, not only
of the anti-racist and anti-capitalist activists, but of all good
people, to stop these abuses that bring us back to the darkest incidents
in the history of Europe. It is imperative we raise our voices.
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