Our Union Action

We’ve been successful in places and situations where
lawyers and unions with budgets of hundreds of thousands of euros
have failed because our demands are not bound by what is legal,
they’re guided by what is right. Regardless of whether the courts
decide in our favor or not, a problem taken on by CNT is not given up
on until we reach a satisfactory agreement. We push until we can’t
push any more, and that point is a long time coming. Since we don’t
have to use our resources to pay union leaders, we can put it all
into union action which means that a union with modest economic power
like our own actually has more funds to fight with. In the
off-the-books shops, in the daily hires, in small, medium and large
companies, in multinationals, in the public administration our union
action has proven its effectiveness. DOCK WORKERS, RAIL WORKERS,
CLECE, AVE, CODEX and hundreds of companies have been forced to
negotiate and bow down to the force of CNT workers.

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