[Sevilla] CNT Calls a Strike in AUSSA

The strike will begin on April 17  


– The workers demand a stop to the repression and firings, job security and safety in the workplace.


Workers from «Urban Parking Sevilla, SA (AUSSA), who already organized a long indefinite strike in 2005 against the labor policy of the municipal corporation which  manages the crane and the «blue zone» in Sevilla, have decided to strike again against what they describe as «abuse and the arbitrary action of the company, approved by the City«, referring to the sanctions, dismissals and the Temporary Redundancy Plan (ERTE) which has been applied to the workers.

CNT, to which a good part of the workers of AUSSA belong, has called an
indefinite strike. It complains that the Temporary Redundancy Plan was
attributed to the poor economic situation, but in fact, was caused purely and simply by the mismanagement of the agency. Workers also state that the company has proceeded with the dismissal of two colleagues, and although both dismissals have been declared illegal, the company refuses to reinstate them. They also reported that through the ordinance of the «crane express» the City intends to grant them the funcions of the police «for revenue purposes and to the detriment of both job security and the inhabitants of Seville 

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